martes, julio 29, 2008

Wild years

Los años salvajes de Frank

Frank se instaló en el Valle
y colgó sus años salvajes del
clavo que atravesó en
la frente de su mujer.
Vendía muebles de oficina usados
en la carretera de San Fernando y
tomó un crédito de 30.000 al
15 % en cómodas cuotas
por un dos ambientes.
Su esposa era una pieza gastada de un jet de descarte.
Hacía buenos bloody-marys, y casi siempre
mantenía la boca cerrada, tenían un pequeño chihuahua
llamado Carlos que estaba totalmente ciego y
padecía cierta enfermedad de la piel.
Tenían una cocina absolutamente moderna
con horno autolimpiante y todos los chiches.
Frank conducía un pequeño sedán.
Eran tan felices.
Una noche Frank, de regreso a casa,
se detuvo en un negocio de licores
y compró un par de Mickey's Big Mouth's,
las bebió en el coche, camino
a una Shell; compró una lata
de cuatro litros de nafta.
Manejó hasta la casa, la roció íntegra
y le prendió fuego.
Se estacionó enfrente riendo,
viéndola quemarse, como una
calabaza de Halloween
naranja con chimenea roja.
Frank puso el top forty en la radio
y tomó la autopista de Hollywood
con rumbo al norte.

Nunca pudo soportar a ese perro.

Thomas Alan Waits (Pomona, California, 1949).
Versión de Silvia Camerotto

Frank's Wild Years
Frank settled down in the Valley,/and he hung his wild years on a/nail that he drove through his/wife's forehead./He sold used office furniture out/there on San Fernando Road and/assumed a $30,000 loan at/ 15 1/4 % and put a down payment/on a little two bedroom place./His wife was a spent piece of used jet trash/ Made good bloody-marys, kept her mouth/shut most of the time, had a little Chihuahua/named Carlos that had some kind of skin/disease and was totally blind./They had a thoroughly modern kitchen;/self-cleaning oven (the whole bit)/Frank drove a little sedan./They were so happy./One night Frank was on his way home/from work, stopped at the liquor store,/picked up a couple of Mickey's Big Mouth's./Drank 'em in the car on his way to the/Shell station; he got a gallon of gas in a can./Drove home, doused everything in/the house, torched it./Parked across the street laughing,/watching it burn, all Halloween/orange and chimney red./Frank put on a top forty station,/got on the Hollywood Freeway/headed North.//Never could stand that dog.

Video: Tom Waits, Frank's Wild Years.

1 comentario:

  1. warm beer and cold women, I
    just don't fit in
    every joint I stumbled into tonight
    that's just how it's been
    all these double knit strangers with
    gin and vermouth and recycled stories
    in the naugahyde booths

    with the platinum blondes
    and tobacco brunettes
    I'll be drinkin' to forget you
    lite another cigarette
    and the band's playin' something
    by Tammy Wynette
    and the drinks are on me tonight

    all my conversations I'll just be
    talkin' about you baby
    borin' some sailor as I try to get through
    I just want him to listen
    [ Letras de Canciones encontraron en ]
    that's all you have to do
    he said I'm better off without you
    till I showed him my tattoo

    now the moon's rising
    ain't got no time to lose
    time to get down to drinking
    tell the band to play the blues
    drink's are on me, I'll buy another round
    at the last ditch attempt saloon

    warm beer and cold women, I
    just don't fit in
    every joint I stumbled into tonight
    that's just how it's been
    all these double knit strangers with
    gin and vermouth and recycled stories
    in the naugahyde booths

    with the platinum blondes
    and tobacco brunettes
    I'll be drinking to forget you
    lite another cigarette
    and the band's playing somethin'
    by Johnnie Barnett
    and the drinks are on me tonight

    tom waits, warm beer and cold women
